p2) Describe how your research topic builds on or contributes to some conversation about the origins, meanings, or functions of selfhood. What other thinkers, scholars, or writers are part of this conversation?
My research topic is about looking at how the self is influenced by the opinions and attitudes of others. This is obviously a broad topic. The way I hope to streamline it is by focusing on how commercially sexually exploited children/youth (CSEC) and older sex workers internalize the perceptions of others and to what end it effects them. Most of what I have read on my own is based upon anecdotal evidence. I am really enjoying Lieberman’s book as I think he and Hustvedt are the only authors that we’ve read so far from which I can borrow and build. I am actually having a lot of trouble 1) because the databases don’t seem to want to let me in on my home laptop, even after I use passwords and 2) because I am having trouble coming up with key words to use.
Key words is where Lieberman is becoming crucial. Because his whole argument discusses humans as social, I see the possibility of finding social neuroscience, and social science in general, articles on the horizon.
The purpose of my research is to bring to light the battle these young people face in trying to leave “the life” (sex work), particularly when those around them and in the rest of society bring them down. As a society we preach to our youth to ignore the opinions of others. Lieberman points out that we are affected to an embarrassing degree by even what strangers think of us, even more so as adolescents. I want to basically “piggyback” on the arguments saying that as humans, we are vulnerable to our own perceptions, self-worth, etc. and apply it to CSEC because we must pay special attention to our most vulnerable populations if we ever hope for them to overcome their hardships. Society often blames CSEC for their fate which leads to the kids blaming themselves and therefore not believing they deserve better. My “change the world goals” involve changing our perceptions and attitudes towards CSEC so they can learn to believe in themselves rather than worry about what everyone is thinking of them. CSEC need a more positive view of their self-hood so they can continue to grow and form healthy selves as adults.
So far my authors are Lieberman, Hustvedt, Rachel Lloyd, and authors/editors of books that are co-written by CSEC and similar populations . I will be using Lieberman’s references and some searching from the Grad Center computers to gain more thinkers and scholars as well.
Matias Viegener also dabbles a little with some of his statements but I think I will get limited information from what we read. I will consider looking at this other work.
I completely agree. I actually have an ethnography that talks about the women in a Brothel in Nevada. While I think it could be a useful piece, there are HUGE differences between that population and the one I am interested in (age, circumstance, type of sex work, etc.). I think I will end up contacting Alycia. Thank you for introducing us to her!
Sex work and social identity is a pretty interesting topic. Try searching for some anthropology and sociology on the topic. It will be hard to make the leap from Lieberman to sex workers without some sources that focus on your topic in a direct way. I’m sure you’ll find what you need. If you have trouble, contact Alycia Sellie. I know she’d be happy to help.