- Alva Noë: "Why Is Consciousness So Baffling?"
- Antonio Damasio: "The Quest to Understand Consciousness"
- Big Think: "Antonio Damasio & Siri Hustvedt"
- Big Think: "Daniel Dennett"
- californica: portrait of the artist as an organism (Jason Tougaw's blog)
- Daniel Dennett: "Cute, Sexy, Sweet, Funny"
- Emily Singer: "The Measured Life"
- Extraordinary People: The Boy Who Could See Without Eyes
- Gail Hornstein's Bibliography of "First Person Narratives of Madness in English"
- Gail Horstein, "The Hearing Voices Network"
- Gary Wolf on "The Quantified Self"
- Hearing the Voice Project
- Interview with Alva Noë (Salon)
- Jesse Prinz: "Waiting for the Self"
- Jill Bolte Taylor: "My Stroke of Insight"
- Koestenbaum on Viegener
- Maud Casey
- Rufus May: "Living Mindfully with Voices"
- Siri Hustvedt
- Tarnation Trailer
- The Quantified Self
- V.S. Ramachandran: "3 Clues to Understanding Your Brain"
- We Live in Public Trailer
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Category Archives: Assignments
Course review
This course’s reading lists provided a good balance of books in what is a broad and ambitious subject to tackle. In fact, just as Liz pointed out, I would not have read many of the readings on my own but … Continue reading
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If there is a strong suggestion that there is no essential self to be found in the human brain, then what would you say are the determining characteristics that define us as “unique individuals”? If in fact we are? (Page … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments
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There Was This Goat.
A disturbing period of racism in our times, coterminous to slavery, Apartheid in South Africa was another way to reject and humiliate part of the human race because of colour. Apartheid has been dissolved for a few decades still it … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments, Mind and Brain, Narrative, Social Relations
Social (also Prompt 1)
I’m late to the party, I apologize, I’ve been holed up in the lab running behavioral expts, how apropos to read a text about behavior this week! I heard from a colleague about this book I think in the Fall, … Continue reading
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Prompt #2:
I’ve decided to do my project on the performance artist Stelarc. I plan to do a multi-media project (thanks for the advice Prof Tougaw!) I think a multi-media approach will effectively embody my thesis/project aim. Stelarc’s work stimulates imagination about … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments
Prompt 2.
My research paper is in a very early fledgling stage. I changed my initial topic and now my focus will be, Social Media Networking as an Institution, the title still needs a bit of rewording. I intend on making “popularity” … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments
Prompt 1: C
I found the history of baby gender colours to be quite an interesting tidbit that I didn’t know. How the colour blue used to be associated with girls and pink with boys. The colour pink was thought to be a … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments
Through my project I hope to understand how the self is framed by identity/ or labeling. In short how people suffering from physical and mental illness react to having a name for their ailments. Does it help or hinder their … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments
Pain and pushback
The way Lieberman talks about how pain that comes from physical wounds is not as respected as pain that comes from emotional ones reminds me of what we call “psychosomatic” symptoms, where the physical pain comes from an emotional or mental … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments, Lieberman
Damasio and Lieberman
While both have their root in neuroscience, Matthew Lieberman and Antonio Damasio differ about the idea of Self. Damasio sees the Self as an elaborated tool the brain concocts to ensure the hemostasis of an organism within an environment in … Continue reading
Posted in Assignments, Damasio, Lieberman
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